Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Bain Haolamot (2016)


Captain Watch

Bain Haolamot

Date de sortie : 11 octobre 2016

Durée : 1h24

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Bina (46), religious woman from Jerusalem, arrives panic-stricken at the hospital after her son Oliel (25) was severely injured in a stabbing attack. This is the first time she sees him since he became secular and lost contact with the family. Her husband, Meir (50) comes later only after their daughter Ester’s (28) insistence. At the hospital, Bina meets Amal (24). While Meir searches for answers to revive Oliel, the two despondent women bond with one another. However, Amal hides a secret from Bina and Meir. While waiting for Oliel’s revival, they will learn about truth, faith, understanding, acceptance, and love that can and maybe should replace fear of the unknown.

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