Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Если ты прав… (1964)


Captain Watch

Если ты прав…

Date de sortie : 19 mars 1964

Durée : 1h19

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Having lost her parents during the war, Galya was brought up in an orphanage. When the grandfather was rehabilitated, they began to live together. Galya often called Alyosha to repair the phone. After walking around Moscow at night, they realized that they loved each other. Once, after another call, Aleksei was slandered. The boss, not wanting to delve into the essence of the client's complaint, invited Aleksei to apologize. The guy refused — and he was fired from his job. Friends helped him find another job, but he could not convince Galya that he was right. The girl reproached him for cowardice — and the heroes quarrelled...

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Casting du film Если ты прав…

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