Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Life Is Journey (2003)


Captain Watch

Life Is Journey

Date de sortie : 21 juin 2003

Durée : 0h51

Réalisateur :

Musique :

LIFE IS JOURNEY is an anthology of four stories about people who live in solitude, but who yearn for togetherness. Each day brings chance meetings and reluctant partings, joy and pain. The first vignette, "Life", portrays half of a woman's life in one-scene, one-cut, nine-minute sequence. "N" is a comical take on a man abandoned by his lover. "Ya" explores the bond of female friendship as one woman consoles a brokenhearted girlfriend. In "Nowhere", a man and a woman roam the streets of a foreign land in search of lost time.

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