Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

El malentendido

Date de sortie : 16 février 1976

Durée : 1h28

Réalisateur :

Jan , a young man whose life passes successfully, rich and in love, decides to renew ties with his family, which he had abandoned some many years ago. So, together with his wife Maria , he returns to his hometown and, more specifically, to the pension run by his mother and sister. Not knowing how to reveal his true identity, Jan stays at the hostel, waiting for the right moment for his statement. However a cruel fate awaits you. His mother and sister Martha have the habit of murdering the travelers.

  1. tu l'as défié

Mon pitch

280 caractères restants

D'abord, noter le film tu dois !
Et ton pitch écrire tu pourras

Casting du film El malentendido

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