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film Those Who Go To Hell (2012)

Those Who Go To Hell

Date de sortie : 01 janvier 2012

Durée : 1h40

Réalisateur :

Daniel Vicente (Shawn Bernal) is Chicago's most feared hit man whose life has been disciplined by an assassin's creed of solitude and tradition. Serving as the right hand man of Patrick Keller (Chad Sheveland), the second most powerful crime lord in Chicago, Daniel has assisted Patrick into the power and status that he holds. However, when an unexpected double cross occurs during the assassination of a well-known council leader, Daniel finds himself the prime target of the fearsome Madame Lo (Allison Carvalho), leader of the triads. After finding out that Patrick approved the hit on him, Daniel is left stunned and angered. Confused, betrayed, and left with no explanation, Daniel must confront old friends and past demons, while questioning his own creed to find out who he can trust, why he was double crossed, and to ultimately find the reason of his existence.

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