Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Labyrinths (2015)


Date de sortie : 02 février 2015

Réalisateur :

After just losing her six year old daughter in a hit & run, Marion is overwhelmed with grief and despair. Looking for solace from anyone who will listen, she finds George, an equally troubled individual and the two attempt to heal. Through George, and her neighbor Dawn, her choices, decisions, all begin to fall into place. However, she is unaware that George, the love of her life, is also the drunk driver who killed her daughter. When George decides he has to tell Marion the truth, Marion must make the most important decision of her life. The question is, for her, will it be the right one.

  1. tu l'as défié

Mon pitch

280 caractères restants

D'abord, noter le film tu dois !
Et ton pitch écrire tu pourras

Casting du film Labyrinths

Actrices et acteurs



Images du film Labyrinths

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