Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Dragoste și apă caldă (1992)


Captain Watch

Dragoste și apă caldă

Date de sortie : 08 juin 1992

Durée : 1h37

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Angela (Liliana Pana) and Dorina (Magda Catone), working at the Match Factory, live in the home and dream of marriage and spouses to give them a decent living. But the illusions are shattered when the men encountered prove their lack of character: Titi (the boy whom Angela is in love with, appears at a time with a kid and is raped), a vendor, is pimp, Emil, an engineer, is a And Radu, an emigrant in Australia, is undistinguished by his Collie dog.

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Casting du film Dragoste și apă caldă

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