Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Бунтът на L. (2006)


Captain Watch

Бунтът на L.

Date de sortie : 22 septembre 2006

Durée : 1h46

Réalisateur :

On the night of graduation prom the credit to the English Language School, Loris tries to escape to the West, but he is betrayed and captured. Charged with political motivation, Loris is sentenced. The year is 1986. The slogan written in red letters onto the wall in the prison is: If you don't know - we will teach you, if you can't - we will show you how, if you don't want to - we will force you. It is put into practice. Torture, cynicism and physical violence turn the talented young man into an impassive and coldblooded observer. The Berlin wall is falling. Loris is granted an amnesty. Already free, he is alienated and indifferent to the world. In his desperate escape from reality Loris revenges for his ruined life and takes the road to his own destruction. But he meets love. Loris tries to find salvation in yet another flight...

  1. tu l'as défié

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