Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Long Da Lishkara (1986)


Captain Watch

Long Da Lishkara

Date de sortie : 01 janvier 1986

Durée : 2h17

Réalisateur :

True love or family reputation? Which one would you pick? This is the decision that Raja (Raj Babbar) is faced with. Raja comes home after finishing school. His mother and the whole village is extremely excited about his arrival but the excitement fades away as they discover that he has fallen in love with one of his house servants, Preeto (Neena Tiwana). Preeto's aunt, Gulabo then tells Preeto a story that horrifies her and makes her want revenge on Raja's household. Will Raja's Love for Preeto overcome his family reputation? Will Preeto's love for Raja overcome her need for revenge? Is love strong enough?

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Casting du film Long Da Lishkara

Actrices et acteurs



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