Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Mahaul Theek Hai (1999)


Captain Watch

Mahaul Theek Hai

Date de sortie : 14 février 1999

Durée : 2h29

Réalisateur :

Mahaul Theek Hai (meaning 'the situation is okay') is a comedy satire about the police force in India. The plot involves a romance between the hero (Smeep Kang) and heroine (Chandni Toor). The hero's brother (Raj Babbar) is involved with an illegal businessman. Played by director and satirist Jaspal Bhatti, the villain of the film is a corrupt SSP (police superintendent) who misuses his authority to threaten people and hide his own excesses. His love interest is played by Bhatti's real life wife (Savita Bhatti).

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Casting du film Mahaul Theek Hai

Actrices et acteurs




Images du film Mahaul Theek Hai

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