Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Radio Love (2008)


Captain Watch

Radio Love

Date de sortie : 10 septembre 2008

Réalisateur :

A thirty-six year old radio show host embarks on a cross-continent search to find herself, in the process discovering that her sex is "stuck" and waging a valiant effort to release it while simultaneously accomplishing her many unmet goals in life. Carolina (Beatriz Rico is in her mid-thirties, and her life is falling apart fast: not only has annoying blonde Lula (Imma del Moral) been recruited to take over the show that Carolina created, but the besieged hostess is beginning to feel that time is running out for her to chase down the dreams of her forgotten youth. In search of guidance, Carolina turns to openly gay carpentry shop owner Compass Rose (Jorge Luis Gonazáles). Compass is Carolina's best friend, and while his advice often veers towards the hysterical side, the two quickly hatch a plan to travel to India in search of a guru.

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