Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Прикосновение ветра (2016)


Captain Watch

Прикосновение ветра

Date de sortie française : 12 novembre 2016

Réalisateurs :

Musique :

New Russian experimental film, which combines fiction and documentary scenes in one continuous narration. The shooting of the film took place in Buryatia - a South-Eastern part of Russia that is considered the center of Buddhism in Russia. In the fictional story a Moscow actress comes to faraway Buryatia to find the man she once loved. She is terminally ill and Buryatia gives her a second chance, she does not believe in miracles, but miracle happens. The real actress Julia Aug, like her character, is also in Buryatia for the first time. The documentary, filmed during the shooting of the film, shows the real Julia's feelings and experiences while she discovers the unique atmosphere, nature and culture of Buryatia.

  1. tu l'as défié

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Casting du film Прикосновение ветра

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Equipe artistique




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