Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film The Next Big Thing (2016)


Captain Watch

The Next Big Thing

Date de sortie : 04 juillet 2016

Durée : 1h24

Réalisateur :

The Next Big Thing is a dark comedy about friendship, revenge and the lust for fame. The protagonist is Julian, who, despite his "talent," has never achieved the level of fame he thinks he deserves. When his deranged and estranged best friend Chuck shows up with a plan to make Julian famous by making a film about Julian becoming famous, Julian agrees to do it. Unfortunately for Julian, Chuck's real aim is to make a prank show centered on ruining Julian's life. After a series of embarrassing and painful events Julian begins to regret his decision, but the worse the situation is for Julian, the more popular the videos become. Julian's ego allows Chuck to bring him to the edge of his sanity and beyond.

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