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film EVE After Queendom (2018)

EVE After Queendom

Date de sortie : 12 mai 2018

Durée : 2h00

n Saturday, May 5th, 2018, Pro-Wrestling: EVE made history by presenting the biggest-ever all-women's wrestling event in European history, as almost 1000 people packed into the famed York Hall in Bethnal Green, for the first-ever Wrestle Queendom! See what happened when "Fearless" Charlie Morgan - the winner of the first SHE-1 SERIES - competed for the EVE Championship in the Main Event of WrestleQueendom! ** The Card WAR GAMES RULES STEEL CAGE MATCH THE DESERVING Jayla Dark - Jamie Hayter - Charli Evans - Blue Nikita vs. SQUAD GOALS Rhia O'Reilly - Emi Sakura - Laura Di Matteo - Addy Starr Wildcard Ladder Match Qualifier Kris Wolf vs. "The S**T Talk Queen" Jetta Wildcard Ladder Match Millie McKenzie vs. Kasey Owens vs. Nina Samuels vs. Leah Owens vs. Livvii Grace vs. winner of Kris Wolf vs. Jetta International Dream Clash #1 Meiko Satomura vs. Kay Lee Ray Co-Main Event International Dream Clash #2 Aja Kong vs. Viper Main Event Pro-Wrestling: EVE Championship "The Main Event Empress"

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