Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Chanti (2004)


Captain Watch


Date de sortie : 12 novembre 2004

Durée : 2h09

Réalisateur :

Chanti (Ravi Teja), a soldier, arrives at his village for his father's (Ranganath) funeral. He is bequeathed a huge property which he plans to use for his blind sister (Revathy). Unfortunately, the land happens to be between two proposed sites for a road in which the local MLA (Atul Kulkarni) has an interest, as it leads to his factory. He offers to buy it from Chanti, who refuses, citing it as a memorial of his father. Chanti's sister is married to Raja Ravindra (Raja Ravindra), Chanti's army friend. However, the MLA kills Raja. The rest of the story is how Chanti avenges his friend's and father's deaths and him getting married to his cousin Vasantha Laxmi (Charmme Kaur).

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