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film Yeh Rishta Na Tootay (1981)


Captain Watch

Yeh Rishta Na Tootay

Date de sortie : 31 juillet 1981

Durée : 2h19

Réalisateur :

Ram Kapoor comes from a poor family, while Kiran comes from a middle-class family. Ram and his brother, Shyam, commit petty thievery to sustain themselves. Ram meets Kiran and both fall in love and would like to get married. Kiran's dad is Police Inspector, Vijay Kumar, and does not approve of either Ram nor this marriage. Despite of this opposition, Kiran and Ram get married. After sometime, Kiran gets pregnant, and her mother, Madhu, comes to look after her. A gangster, Shakti, abducts both mother and daughter, and holds them for ransom. Vijay thinks that Ram and Shyam are behind this abduction so to get money from him, and launches a manhunt for them. Shyam is apprehended, while Ram is on the run. Ram must decide to hand himself over to the police, and let his wife and her mother be at the mercy of Shakti or continue to evade the police and search for Kiran and Madhu.

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