Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Dannoura yomakura kassenki (1977)


Captain Watch

Dannoura yomakura kassenki

Date de sortie : 23 avril 1977

Durée : 1h34

Réalisateur :

Taken out of the pages of history itself, this is the story of the sizzling love between Kenreimon-in of the Taira Clan and Yoshitsuné of the Minamoto Clan. When the Taira Clan had met ignominious defeat at the hands of Yoshitsuné, Kenreimon-in had jumped into the sea with her son, the infant Emperor, but only she had been rescued by Yoshitsuné. A rough-hewn warrior, Yoshitsuné had taken her by force until he awakened an answering love in the Empress with his chamber techniques.

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