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film WWF: Best of Survivor Series 1987-1997 (1998)

WWF: Best of Survivor Series 1987-1997

Date de sortie : 24 novembre 1998

Durée : 1h00

What began as a Thanksgiving tradition has evolved over a decade into one of the Federation's biggest annual events. What was originally a test of individual survival in a team up environment has evolved into a survival of the fittest. The Survivor Series is no longer a "team sport." No one plays nice on this field! No one gets Gatorade dumped on his head! It's about kicking ass and taking names! Witness history in the making with Stone Cold Steve Austin, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Mankind, Owen Hart, Kane and many, many more! Tell that announcer where he can stick his six-legged turkey! The Survivor Series makes football seem like a card game!

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