Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Wassup! Zindagi (2017)


Captain Watch

Wassup! Zindagi

Date de sortie : 04 août 2017

Durée : 2h25

Réalisateur :

Four friends, Bhavesh (Ravish Desai), Dharmesh (Prem Gadhvi), Rehaan (Gaurav Passwala) and Dinesh Bhai (Jayesh More) want an eventful life. But as Bhavesh gets married to his girlfriend Jharna (Jayaka Yagnik) of four year, when their life changes into a monotonous routine. As the four friends find themselves getting trapped into the boredom of household life, Nisha (Jhinal Belani) walks into Bhavesh’s life and things change further. What follows is a series of confusions, misunderstandings, revelations and more. But all’s well that ends well.

  1. tu l'as défié

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