Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film 수상한 이웃 (2019)

수상한 이웃

Date de sortie : 09 octobre 2019

Durée : 1h41

Réalisateur :

Out of nowhere, a homeless Tae-sung shows up and sets up his so-called house in an apartment’s playground. The playground is not only for children but also for neighbors who come and go to share their stories. Tae-sung observes what people do around the playground and sometimes he helps them to solve the problem. When the righteous homeless becomes almost like a sheriff of the playground, suddenly female residents disappear one by one.

  1. tu l'as défié

Mon pitch

280 caractères restants

D'abord, noter le film tu dois !
Et ton pitch écrire tu pourras

Casting du film 수상한 이웃

Actrices et acteurs




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