Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Agnichakra (1997)


Captain Watch


Date de sortie : 26 février 1997

Réalisateur :

Amar lives a middle-class life with his Police Inspector brother, Suryaveer, and sister-in-law, Beena. Suryaveer is assigned to handle the task of apprehending a group of terrorists, headed by Jumbo, who have made their hideout in a dense forest in Central India. Suryaveer's partner is Inspector Satpal, who is an alcoholic. Suryaveer is also told that six other police inspectors have lost their lives in this assignment. Nevertheless, Suryaveer and Satpal get ready to tackle this task and do penetrate deep into the forests. Then Beena gets the devastating news that Satpal has been injured and her husband has been killed. The police assign this matter to another Police Inspector by the name of Vikas, and Amar and Satpal lend a hand to support him.

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