Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Masih Bukan Cinta Biasa (2011)


Captain Watch

Masih Bukan Cinta Biasa

Date de sortie : 15 septembre 2011

Durée : 1h44

Réalisateur :

After the mutual relationship between Lintang and Tommy and her son Nikita in the first series of No Ordinary Love (2009) ago, problems now arise when Vino arrives. Vino is reportedly the son of Tommy from one of his girlfriends in the past, Voni. Lintang as a wife did not stay silent and felt shocked by the presence of Vino. Not to mention Vino's attitude, which is approximately 70% the same as Tommy's, is also a factor in the damage to Tommy's household life. Nikita as a child and sister is unclear where her certainty from Vino became even more confused with the problems faced by her family.

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