Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Vuoti a perdere (1999)


Captain Watch

Vuoti a perdere

Date de sortie : 19 février 1999

Durée : 1h30

Réalisateur :

Francesco Cesena, a middle-aged policeman, while carrying out a routine operation, is involved in a firefight in which his colleague loses his life. Cesena, wounded, shoots and kills the convict and his wife. About a year later two young men, Fabrizio and Simonetta, are arrested for stealing a car. Cesena and his assistant Cane, the same age as the two boys, have the task of interrogating them. Partly out of boredom at the late hour, partly out of curiosity, Cesena makes the two believe they know far more serious things about them than car theft.

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