Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer


Date de sortie : 03 février 1956

Durée : 1h28

Réalisateur :

In this sequel to The Kid (1950), Bruce Lee's title character is played by Ding Yue and Fung Fung's character, Flying Dagger Lee, is played by Wong Chin-sui. But don't feel sorry for Fung. He's the big shot here, not only assuming directing chores again but also serving as writer and producer, not to mention playing the beloved Charlie character. Fung's Tramp, unlike that of Yee Chau-shui, takes great liberty with Chaplin's character, marginally interested in physical comedy while delivering a couple of monologues, one of which in rap-like delivery, Canto-op style. The film nevertheless retains the spirit of Tramp comedies, featuring a Capraesque scenario in which a group of impoverished street vendors survives by helping each other.

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