Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Killing Lionel (2019)


Captain Watch

Killing Lionel

Date de sortie : 05 décembre 2019

Durée : 1h27

Réalisateur :

After double crossing local gangster Jack Crooks, abusive husband Lionel knows that the net is closing in on him. Henchmen Eddie Bell and Percival Sullivan have got him in their sights and it's only a matter of time before they 'turn his lights out' for good! His long suffering wife Peaches also has her mind set on his demise and with the help of her friend and the weird and eccentric Dr Henrick Oldcorn, she sets the wheels in motion for his eradication. Lionel knows that his days are numbered, but he isn't about to hang about to see who gets him first, and he quickly plans his escape.

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