Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film 記憶屋 あなたを忘れない (2020)


Captain Watch

記憶屋 あなたを忘れない

Date de sortie : 17 janvier 2020

Durée : 1h45

Réalisateur :

Ryoichi Yoshimori is a university student. His girlfriend, Kyoko Sawada is a few years older but the pair don’t care as they are deeply in love. After Ryoichi proposes to Kyoko, she suddenly disappears. Several days later, Kyoko re-emerges but claims to have no memory of him. With the help of a classmate/lawyer Chiaki Takaharu and his childhood friend Maki Kawai, Ryoichi attempts to unravel the mystery that may be related to the rumours of a memory erasing individual known as Kiokuya.

  1. tu l'as défié

Mon pitch

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Casting du film 記憶屋 あなたを忘れない

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