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film Al giorno d'oggi il lavoro te lo devi inventare (2016)

Al giorno d'oggi il lavoro te lo devi inventare

Date de sortie : 11 septembre 2016

Durée : 0h15

Réalisateur :

Musique :

GIOVANNI is a man who is completely devoted to his job. Following his past as an artist, trying not to sink financially, he decides to take over the family tradition and become a carpenter even though he is aware that that's not the road he wants to walk. UMBERTO is an unscrupulous business man who, for his own financial wellbeing, extorts money from desperate people. While Giovanni is creating a work commissioned by two unusual brothers, Umberto meets ADELE in a hotel room to obtain his 'compensation'. Their lives that run parallel will never meet, but they will always be united by being the two sides of the same medal.

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