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film Hanson: The Road To Albertane (1998)

Hanson: The Road To Albertane

Date de sortie : 03 novembre 1998

Durée : 1h10

In the summer of 1998 Hanson took their live show across the planet. Even if you were lucky enough to see them perform you only had a taste of what you're about to experience in "The Road to Albertane." This video is not about a concept, it's about a tour: each song a journey that may start in Boston, continue through Toronto or Denver, and eventually end up in San Francisco or Paris. You will be overwhelmed by the new live versions of your favourite Hanson rock 'n' roll songs and drawn in by the energy of a live Hanson performance. In addition, a beautifully shot acoustic section gets you front row seats for an intimate look at Hanson's most personal songs.

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