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film Kirby at War: La Guerre De Kirby (2017)


Captain Watch

Kirby at War: La Guerre De Kirby

Date de sortie française : 20 novembre 2017

Durée : 0h55

Réalisateurs :

Musique :

Black Panther, the Avengers, Hulk, Fantastic Four, The X-Men, Thor, Iron Man - to name only some of the best known super-heroes created in the 1960s by comic book artist Jack Kirby, the super heroes which today, dominate the world wide blockbuster box office cinema. This documentary mixed with CGI form his work examines Jack Kirby’s comics through his experience as a young American soldier in WWII France. How did this terrifying experience inspire him to create Captain America, and so many others characters as the war came to a close?

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