Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Monday Nights at Seven (2016)


Captain Watch

Monday Nights at Seven

Date de sortie : 08 octobre 2016

Durée : 1h49

Réalisateur :

Monday Nights At Seven is a love story about a single father, Lazo Saroby, who is struggling unsuccessfully to let go of his past. Then he meets Isabel, a young woman who is also facing the consequences of her own life choices. As feelings for Isabel expose the lie Lazo is living, he is forced to get real with himself, as painful as it might be. Facing the truth is Lazo's ultimate battle, but it's the only way he stands a chance of ever being free.

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Casting du film Monday Nights at Seven

Actrices et acteurs



Images du film Monday Nights at Seven

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