Captain Watch

Captain Watch


Date de sortie inconnue

film Me, You, a Bag & Bamboo

Me, You, a Bag & Bamboo

Durée : 0h18

Réalisateur :

A little girl's voice weaves us through the melancholic minds of Clifford and Chun Li, two strangers sharing a park bench. We follow their naive non-sequiturs, surreal sequiturs, memories and dreams. We dance back and forth through the whimsy of their minds and quirks of their lives which prove to be off-beat, as we are whisked through images of a zoo fresh out of pandas, a head gift-wrapped in a map of Wisconsin, a ziplock bag containing sadness, revengeful hamsters and a robot father playing football with his robot son. Eventually their thoughts become intertwined, and they realize they are not alone, giving them the courage to finally turn to each other and say hello.

  1. tu l'as défié

Mon pitch

280 caractères restants

D'abord, noter le film tu dois !
Et ton pitch écrire tu pourras

Casting du film Me, You, a Bag & Bamboo

Actrices et acteurs



Images du film Me, You, a Bag & Bamboo

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