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film Ian Dury: Rare And Unseen (2010)

Ian Dury: Rare And Unseen

Date de sortie : 17 mai 2010

Durée : 1h15

Réalisateur :

Here is the movie for all the Clever Trevors and Billericay Dickies out there! A stunning and truly 'Rare and Unseen' look back at Ian Dury, poet, thinker, geezer and all round crowd-pleaser. He wasn't half a clever b'stard. The earliest known TV performance from the London Programme 1976. Three great interviews with much missed Mancunian Tony Wilson who died in 2007. Final Richard and Judy interview and live performance restored for widescreen. Includes eight live musical performances with the Kilburns and the Blockheads: 'Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll', 'Sweet Gene Vincent', 'Upminster Kid', 'Rough Kids', 'Billy Bentley', 'England's Glory', 'Blockheads' and 'Geraldine'. Is that enough of the old reading matter for you? This ain't a bleeding library… Oi! Oi!

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