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film Steve Irwin's Ghosts of War (2002)

Steve Irwin's Ghosts of War

Date de sortie : 01 avril 2002

Durée : 1h40

In this epic, two part mini-series, Steve revisits some of the notorious and legendary battle grounds of the Pacific conflict between the allied forces and Japan. From ships' graveyards to impenetrable tropical jungle to coral atoll beaches, Steve relives the bloodiest battles of war, uncovering the rusting hulks of naval vessels, fighter planes, tanks and artillery. In one of the most eerie experiences of his career, Steve discovers the untouched human remains of fallen soldiers, who have never left the battlefield. Revealing and engaging, Ghosts of War is Steve Irwin's unique tribute to the lives of a generation lost in battle, and the historical events that changed our world forever.

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