Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Jeep Tale (1960)


Captain Watch

Jeep Tale

Date de sortie : 09 janvier 1960

Durée : 0h06

Réalisateur :

Popeye tells Swee'Pea the story of how Eugene the Jeep got his special powers. He tells a fairy tale about a mama jeep and her four children- three good girls and a mischievous boy named Jeepers. One day, they go to eat spinach in the good farmer's garden. Jeepers goes into the bad farmer's garden and eats weeds. The farmer catches Jeepers and locks him up, but mama rescues him that night. The next day, the bad farmer tries to chop down the jeep tree, but mama jeep foils him completely. Afterward, the good farmer invites them over for more spinach.

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