Captain Watch

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film Another Country: A North of 60 Mystery (2003)


Captain Watch

Another Country: A North of 60 Mystery

Date de sortie : 10 février 2003

Durée : 1h33

Réalisateur :

Musique :

While in Calgary on business for Lynx River Resources, Teevee Tenia is in the wrong place at the wrong time. A troubled young native woman reaches out to him for help and sets him up for a murder charge. Teevee is the perfect fall guy – young, alone and native. While Teevee struggles to hold his own in the urban justice system, Corporal Michelle Kenidi frantically searches for evidence that will exonerate him. Her efforts are thwarted and Teevee escapes and flees back to Lynx River. Michelle is left with a terrible choice: to turn Teevee in, or to betray the justice system that she has built her career on. Her only chance is to uncover the truth.

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