Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Pact of Vengeance (2022)


Captain Watch

Pact of Vengeance

Date de sortie : 01 juillet 2022

Durée : 1h22

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Zian, a retired special forces commander (played by Leo Fong), now runs an auto body shop in the tough inner city. The inner city is now being taken over by "the Black Roses" a ruthless gang of punks who are making rounds collecting "turf money" from local businesses. When Zian refuses to comply with the gang's demands, the Black Roses assault his grand-daughter and leave her for dead. Now with nowhere else to turn and the gang's power only increasing, Zian calls on his old special forces team, "The Obliterators", to come in and serve their own brand of justice.

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