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film The Three Stooges: Kings Of Laughter (2001)

The Three Stooges: Kings Of Laughter

Date de sortie : 02 mai 2001

Three's never a crowd when it comes to the immortal Stooges, as demonstrated by this no-holds-barred, back-to-back compilation of mayhem, wild comedy, and classic routines from TV, film shorts, and features. The boys appear with Steve Allen, Ed Wynn, and original front man Ted Healy as bungling barbers, clueless cowboys, goofy golfers, bumbling beach bums, witless witnesses, hare-brained house cleaners, and more. You'll split your sides when you see Curly as a jumbo jockey who can't mount a horse, Shemp as a ghostly do-gooder determined to reform his partners, and Curly Joe as a near-sighted knife-thrower menacing Larry.

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