Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film 私はいったい、何と闘っているのか (2021)


Date de sortie : 17 décembre 2021

Durée : 1h54

Réalisateur :

Haruo Izawa is 45 years old and the floor chief of the local grocery store “Umeya”. He is highly trusted by Store Manager Ueda and the part-time ladies and the Ohara branch is the only place where he has been working for 25 years. Although he says that he doesn’t fit to be a store manager, he is still concerned about HR and career advancement. That’s why Ueda’s praise "command center" is his only treasure. Besides, he is also a husband of his wife Ritsuko, and a father of two daughters and a son, Koume, Kanako, and Ryota at home. Humor and pathos are said to be only a fine line, but Haruo’s fruitless actions of paying attention to the human relationships and atmosphere and overthinking never stop.. Where is this middle-aged man’s turmoil going??

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Casting du film 私はいったい、何と闘っているのか

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