Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Sır Çocukları (2002)


Captain Watch

Sır Çocukları

Date de sortie : 20 décembre 2002

Durée : 1h50

Réalisateurs :

Ten years old Cemil runs away from his stepfather who tortures him and his mother and ends up in Istanbul. Veli Firat Tanis, the leader of a gang which Cemil takes refuge in Haydarpasa, tries to send him back to his home by putting his pocket money. While the gang gather money for Cemil, they, at the same time, suffer from harsh living conditions. In the mean time Cemil's mother Münevver comes to Istanbul in the hope of finding her son.

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Casting du film Sır Çocukları

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