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film Ахматова. Поэма без героя (2016)

Ахматова. Поэма без героя

Date de sortie : 01 mai 2016

Durée : 1h08

From Alla Demidova's book "Akhmatova Mirrors": "When I began to decipher the "Poem without a hero", the more I found doubles in it, which, in turn, bifurcated and so on — to infinity (the same thing happens if you approach the wall of the mirror hall with a mirror and see in it an infinite a series of reflections), the more clearly I understood that it was probably not necessary to literally decipher it. Specific persons are not so important in the "Poem", the fragrance of time is important, because, among other things, a huge layer of culture of an entire epoch has entered into the "Poem", which for many young people today has become a long-past history."

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