Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film 仁義11北陸極道狩り (1997)


Date de sortie : 04 avril 1997

Durée : 1h33

Réalisateur :

Maki Fujishiro (Yoko Natsuki), the leader of the Fujishiro group, who is feared to be a female leopard in the Hokuriku region, appears in the Kanto region with a young head, Akatsu (Hirotaro Honda). She is said to have chased her niece Natsumi (Megumi Kanzaki) who ran away with the money of the group. Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Riki Takeuchi), acting head of the sand group, and Yoshiro Yazaki (Toshihiko Sakakibara), the chairman of the group, will be ordered by the Kanto Ichienkai to help. As the search progresses, Jin gets angry at Akatsu's excessive violent behavior and the tension grows. And the intention of Hokuriku's expansion into the Kanto region, which is behind the incident, becomes clear.

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