Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film 怪談新耳袋 絶叫編 まえ すごい顔 (2009)

怪談新耳袋 絶叫編 まえ すごい顔

Date de sortie : 09 juillet 2009

Durée : 0h44

Réalisateurs :

Here is a school where hangs a portrait of a female whose face has been painted over. If you scratch away a portion of the whitewash, the woman actually appears to haunt and harass you. Her face is said to defy description, so horrifying in fact that one wishes for death upon seeing it. This school forms the backdrop for female teen, Yayoi Himeno, who finds herself embroiled in a terrifying mystery.

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