Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série Truth or Consequences (1950)

Truth or Consequences

Première diffusion : 07 septembre 1950

Série créée par : Ralph Edwards

Statut : En production

Chaînes NBC CBS Broadcast Syndication

Truth or Consequences is an American television show originally hosted on NBC radio by Ralph Edwards and later on television by Edwards, Jack Bailey, Bob Barker, Bob Hilton and Larry Anderson. The television show ran on CBS, NBC and also in syndication. The premise of the show was to mix the original quiz element of game shows with wacky stunts. The daily syndicated show was produced by Ralph Edwards Productions, in associated with and distributed by Metromedia Producers Corporation and Lorimar-Telepictures.

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Casting de la série Truth or Consequences


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