Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série Camino al amor (2014)

Camino al amor

Première diffusion : 26 mai 2014

Série créée par : Quique Estevanez

Statut : En production

Chaîne Telefe

Rocco Colucci (Sebastián Estevanez), based in Mexico, runs a tourism activities business, "Rocco Turismo", at the Paradisus Cancun hotel. He celebrates his weddings with Guadalupe (Sofía Reca), who works as Head of Reception, and who has a daughter, Wendy, but in reality she is not his mother, since he stole her when he was just a few days old. During the wedding, held in the hotel's gazebo, he receives a call from his sister Gina (Sol Estevanez)

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