Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série Кріпосна (2019)


Première diffusion : 25 février 2019

Statut : Production achevée

Chaîne STB

Kateryna is beautiful, clever and by the will of her godmother was raised as a lady of noble blood. But for the whole world, she is only someone else’s property, a bondmaid of the richest landowner in Nizhyn – Chervinskyi. Struggling for her freedom and the right to be happy, she will have to endure the deaths of her closest people, become the property of a woman who hates and dreams to kill her, survive the popular uprising, escape while being chased by a maniac and flee from the one who wants to get her above all. What awaits Kateryna at the end of such a terrible and exhausting path to freedom?

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