Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série Shipwrecked (2000)


Captain Watch


Première diffusion : 09 janvier 2000

Statut : Production achevée

Chaîne Channel 4

Shipwrecked is a British reality television programme airing on Channel 4's youth programming brand, T4. The original version ran for three series from 9 January 2000 to 19 December 2001 and was constructed as a social experiment, without a competitive format or a prize. The programme returned for four series from 8 January 2006 to 10 May 2009 in a new format, as Shipwrecked: Battle of the Islands. It featured two teams competing with each other for new members, with the largest team winning a cash prize at the end. The show returned on 23 October 2011 on E4 as Shipwrecked: The Island. In 2013, a Russian version of the show will air on NTV.

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