Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série 超速スピナー (1998)


Première diffusion : 30 novembre 1998

Série créée par : Takashi Hashiguchi

Statut : Production achevée

Chaîne Kids Station

Shunichi Domoto is a talented sportive 5th-grade boy who is used to helping sports teams in his school. He enters a Yoyo duel against a bully boy called Benkei to help his friend, Beso, to get back his Yoyo which was stolen by the bully. He beat him up, but after that, he meets the exceptionally gifted Yoyoer, Seito Hojoin who beat him up because he ridiculed the Yoyo game. So, Shunichi enters Japan`s Yoyo championship to get his revenge from Seito. Throughout This Championship, He earns new Yoyoing Skills and meets powerful rivals.

  1. tu l'as défié

Mon pitch

280 caractères restants

D'abord, noter la série tu dois !
Et ton pitch écrire tu pourras

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