Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série Animal X (1997)

Animal X

Première diffusion : 01 janvier 1997

Statut : Production achevée

Chaîne Discovery

Animal X is an Australian made documentary television series that aired in more than 120 countries. It began in 1997 with its first series of thirteen half-hour episodes. In 2002, Discovery Channel in the U.S. co-produced the 2nd series of 13 half-hour episodes with the creators of the series, Australia's Storyteller Productions, for Animal Planet. At this point Animal X episodes generally had 3 stories, with one exception: "The Skookum Cast". This was a joint expedition between Animal X and the BFRO which discovered the Skookum Cast, said to be an imprint of the body of a bigfoot.

  1. tu l'as défié

Mon pitch

280 caractères restants

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Et ton pitch écrire tu pourras

Casting de la série Animal X

Actrices et acteurs

Saisons de la série Animal X

Images de la série Animal X

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