Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer


Première diffusion : 12 mai 2022

Série créée par : Artjom Nasybulin

Statut : En production

Chaîne TNT-Premier

A backwater prison house is expecting a high-profile international inspection. The delegation members will review living conditions and inmates’ «customer experience». Both conditions and inmates’ sentiments are far from perfect. But positive review from the inspection panel is a must! So General Hobotov, who is in charge of the prison house, thinks out of the box. He orders to replace real inmates with actors, who, for a hefty fee, will act as the most satisfied and happy crooks in the world. But things get complicated: some real inmates are left behind, and prison’s guards are desperately trying to hide the secret diamond mining business they handle together with the convicts.

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