Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série Cautionary Tales of Swords (2007)


Captain Watch

Cautionary Tales of Swords

Première diffusion : 24 juin 2007

Série créée par : Drew Hancock

Statut : Annulé

The existence of Channel 101 led to a show on VH-1 called Acceptable.TV. Director/Actor Drew Hancock wrote a mini-show for Acceptable.TV about the dangers of swords, but VH-1 hated it so it was never produced. Now, in the post-ATV era, Hancock has brought the show to the Channel 101 audience to great success. Sit back and enjoy as Trip Fisk warns you of the dangers of owning swords, and always remember: Don't Fucking Touch Swords.

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